The files are compressed using the UNIX "compress" command and "uncompress" must be used before decoding. Please see GCIP/EOP: Surface NCEP Ancillary Catalogue of Available GCIP Precipitation Data (NCEP/EMC). Depending on the time period selected, all five types may or may not be available. Other NCEP 4 KM GRIB Data including gage-only analysis, multi-sensor analysis (gage and unbiased radar), radar estimate (no bias removal), and gage-only analysis using 24h accumulated ("RFC") data are available as independent datasets. Depending on the time period selected, all three datasets may or may not be available. Daily data are generally available at 12Z. 6-hourly data are generally available at 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z. This dataset only contains the NCEP 4 KM GRIB Data hourly, 6-hourly, and daily radar estimate after bias removal. Data analysis routines, including a bias correction of the radar estimates using rain gage data, have been adapted by NCEP on a national 4-km grid from algorithms developed by OH and executed regionally at NWS River Forecast Centers (RFC).
#Emc research bias generator#
Hourly digital precipitation (HDP) radar estimates are created by the WSR-88D Radar Product Generator on a 131 X 131 4-km grid centered over each radar site. This analysis merges two data sources that are currently being collected in real-time by OH and NCEP. A prototype, real-time, hourly, multi-sensor National Preciptation Analysis (NPA) has been developed at NCEP in cooperation with the Office of Hydrology (OH). This dataset contains the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) 4 KM GRIB radar estimate after bias removal ("UBR") data.

The temporal coverage for this dataset is as follows: Begin datetime: 00:00:00, End datetime: 23:59:59. The Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Continental-scale International Project (GCIP) Enhanced Observing Period (EOP) takes place in the Mississippi River basin, which provides a number of watershed areas that are potentially useful for hydrologic focused studies. Jackson, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD) selected under the NASA Research Announcement 95-MTPE-03. "The company looked at this extensively, and if he had done things alleged in the lawsuit, he would no longer be with EMC," Fredrickson said.The Southern Great Plains 1997 (SGP97) Hydrology Experiment originated from an interdisciplinary investigation, "Soil Moisture Mapping at Satellite Temporal and Spatial Scales" (PI: Thomas J.

Frederickson called Otten an "outstanding employee" with a very successful track record at EMC. In the lawsuit, the women specifically charge EMC district manager Rick Otten with sexual harassment and discriminatory actions. "We have thousands of successful women at EMC," he said. " has financial motivations, which will be addressed in the legal system," he said, adding that "at EMC, we're going to continue to do as much as we can to bring more women into IT."įredrickson said that EMC has doubled the number of women at the vice president and senior vice president levels over the past five years and has nearly tripled the number of women at the director level. "We think both evidence provided by the women, anecdotal and statistical, shows that there is wide ranging discrimination EMC," said Mary Stowell, a partner at Chicago, Ill.-based Stowell & Friedman, Ltd., which represents the plaintiffs.ĮMC spokesman Mark Fredrickson said that the gender-bias accusations by Remien and Fletcher in the lawsuit are false. Remien alleges that when a sought-after sales position opened at EMC in June 2001, she was passed over for a male employee because she was told by managers that she would not "smoke, drink, swear, hunt, fish and tolerate strip clubs." According to the lawsuit, Remien's complaints to EMC's human resources personnel proved fruitless. The plaintiffs argue that the resulting lack of opportunity for career advancement and hostile work environment forced them to resign from EMC. The women allege that EMC's discriminatory conduct included failure to hire and promote women, failure to credit women for their experience on the same basis as male employees, systemically paying women lower wages, creating an environment hostile and offensive to women, making employment decisions based on gender stereotypes, and defaming women to their clients, co-workers and corporate partners.